
OSIC Sport Environment Assessment Index 

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The OSIC Sport Environment Assessment Index (“SEA Index”) provides general status information regarding Assessments initiated by the OSIC in accordance with the OSIC Guidelines Regarding Sport Environment Assessments.

The SEA Index supports the overall SEA objective to offer proactive, transparent and preventative measures to alleged systemic issues related to the UCCMS in order to cultivate safe, welcoming and inclusive sport environments.

In line with this objective, observations, recommendations, and opportunities for improvement resulting from relevant Assessments will be provided through the SEA Index once available (i.e. through Assessment Report(s)). The SEA Index is not a registry of imposed sanctions regarding applicable respondents. You can find more information about the OSIC Sanctions Registry here.

As Assessment(s) advance through the SEA process, general information will be provided through the SEA Index (e.g. impacted environment(s), nature of alleged systemic issues, appointed Assessor(s), general Assessment methodology, estimated timelines, invited groups of participants, Assessment report, monitoring report, etc.).

In accordance with confidentiality parameters applicable to SEAs (see section 8 here), the OSIC will not comment on or provide other information on any active Assessment and/or other ongoing matter.


Assessment(s) accepted by the OSIC

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Impacted Sport Organization Nature of alleged issues under the UCCMS to be reviewed through the Assessment Current Assessment Status Appointed Independent Assessor (SEAU) Available Information regarding Participation in the Assessment  Assessment Report (published once the Assessment is completed) Monitoring Report (published one year following publication of the Assessment Report)
Cycling Canada Discrimination Assessment completed. Jessica Kearsey Assessment Report completed and published. 2024-07-10 OSIC Sport Environment Assessment Report – Cycling Canada

Statement Letter from Cycling Canada
Gymnastics Canada Forms of maltreatment, discrimination and other prohibited behaviour(s) Scoping Phase completed; Independent Assessor appointed; Assessment Methodology and Schedule completed; Participation Phase completed. Assessment Report in development. Shelina Neallani Assessment Participation Phase completed. Assessment Report in development. Expected publication date on SEA Index is to be confirmed.    
Hockey Canada Forms of maltreatment, discrimination and other prohibited behaviour(s) Assessment Phase part 1 (preliminary review) completed. Assessment Phase part 2 (engagement) ongoing. Kyra Hudson Assessment Phase 1 Report completed and published. Assessment Phase 2 (engagement) is ongoing. Development of outreach plan to canvass interest of potential Participants to participate in this phase is underway by the Assessment team.   2024-07-03 OSIC Sport Environment Assessment Report – Hockey Canada Phase 1  
Ontario Volleyball Association Forms of discrimination and other prohibited behaviour(s) Assessment completed. Grace Vaccarelli Assessment Report completed and published. 2024-06-06 OSIC Sport Environment Assessment Report – Ontario Volleyball Association  
Wrestling Canada Lutte Forms of prohibited behaviour(s) Scoping Phase completed; Independent Assessor appointed; Participation phase completed; Assessment Report translated and finalized. Jennifer Hawkins Assessment Participation Phase completed. Assessment Report is finalized. Expected publication of the Assessment Report on the SEA Index is the week of August 19, 2024.    

(last updated on July 18, 2024)
