
Sport Environment Assessment Unit 

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The following members are currently appointed to the OSIC unit of independent assessors (the “Sport Environment Assessment Unit” (“SEAU”)) for purposes of performing Assessments that may be assigned to them by the OSIC under the Sport Environment Assessment process, in accordance with the OSIC Policies and Procedures.

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SEAU Members


Name Location Official Languages Specific Experience Website
Grace Vaccarelli Toronto, Ontario English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving equity deserving groups
Sexual violence
Jennifer Hawkins  Calgary, Alberta  English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving equity deserving groups
Sexual violence
Jen Magnus  Calgary, Alberta  English Human rights/Discrimination
Sexual violence
School/university related contexts
Jennifer Wootton Toronto, Ontario English  Human rights/Discrimination
Involving young adults (19-24 year olds)
Involving equity deserving groups
School/university related contexts
Jessica Kearsey Toronto, Ontario English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving equity deserving groups
Kyra Hudson Vancouver, British Columbia English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving young adults (19-24 years)
Involving equity deserving groups
Sexual violence
Sport related contexts
School/university related contexts
Leanne Walsh  Richmond, British Columbia English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving equity deserving groups
Lise Maclean London, Ontario English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving children/minors
Involving equity deserving groups
Sexual violence
Sport related contexts
Marie-Pierre Renaud  Saint-Lambert, Quebec French Human rights/Discrimination
Involving young adults (19-24 year olds)
Sexual violence
Sport related contexts
School/university related contexts
Marlene Hope Calgary, Alberta  English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving children/minors
Involving young adults (19-24 year olds)
Involving equity deserving groups
Sexual violence
School/university related contexts
Megan Forward Ottawa, Ontario English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving children/minors
Involving young adults (19-24 year olds)
Involving equity deserving groups
Sexual violence
Sport related contexts
School/university related contexts
Parisa Osborne  Toronto, Ontario English Human rights/Discrimination https://www.pwc.com/ca/en/contacts/p/parisa-osborne.html
Robyn Gervais  Vancouver, British Columbia English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving equity deserving groups
Sexual violence
Sarah Chamberlain North Vancouver, British Columbia English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving children/minors
Involving equity deserving groups
Sexual violence
Sarah Lumsden Vancouver, British Columbia English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving children/minors
Involving equity deserving groups
Sexual violence
Sarah Vokey  Toronto, Ontario English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving children/minors
Involving equity deserving groups
Sexual violence
Sport related contexts
Shelina Nealani  Vancouver, British Columbia English Human rights /Discrimination
Involving Children / Minors
Involving Equity-Deserving Groups
Sexual Violence
Trisha Perry Saint John, New Brunswick English Human rights/Discrimination
Sexual violence
William Goldbloom Toronto, Ontario English Human rights/Discrimination
Involving children/minors
Involving young adults (19-24 year olds)
Involving equity deserving groups
Sexual violence
Sport related contexts
School/university related contexts
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Members of the SEAU:

  • Are service providers independent from the OSIC and SDRCC who have been appointed to the SEAU following a selection process completed in 2022 (see Call for Applications here).
  • Must comply with the UCCMS, SDRCC’s Conflict of Interest Policy, the Code of Conduct for members of the OSIC IU and SEAU, relevant policies, procedures and guidelines communicated by the OSIC for the SEAU, relevant professional standards and obligations and applicable laws.
  • Must successfully complete minimum training requirements communicated from time to time by the OSIC, which may relate, for example, to the UCCMS, applicable OSIC policies, procedures and guidelines, trauma-informed approaches, unconscious/implicit bias, intersectionality, etc., as well as criminal record verifications in accordance with applicable screening policies of the SDRCC/OSIC.


As per the OSIC Guidelines Regarding Sport Environment Assessments, the OSIC assigns an Independent Assessor to perform an applicable Assessment, with consideration to, for example, availability, geographical location, official languages, absence of conflict, area(s) of experience, expertise, and specific skills desired, considering the nature and/or circumstances of the Assessment.

In accordance with the OSIC Policies and Procedures, the assigned Independent Assessor is responsible for leading the Assessment, the multi-discipline Assessment Team (if applicable) and for producing the Assessment Report, which will include, in particular, observations and recommendations to improve the relevant sport environment.
