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CSDRC means the Canadian Sport Dispute Resolution Code, available here.

Complaint means a duly completed and submitted complaint intake form, the receipt by the OSIC of information expressly deemed by the OSIC to constitute a complaint, or a complaint initiated by the OSIC in accordance with the Policies & Procedures of the OSIC, in each case regarding an alleged violation of the UCCMS.

Complaint form: means a form through which individuals can provide information to the OSIC and initiate a complaint management process. An individual submitting a Complaint form agrees to act as the complainant throughout the complaint management process pursuant to the OSIC's Policies & Procedures. Anonymity is not available when submitting a Complaint form.

Director of Sanctions and Outcomes (DSO) means the role responsible for overseeing the imposition of provisional measures, approving mediated outcomes, and deciding and pursuing Sanctions arising from alleged violations of the UCCMS.

Initial Review means the review by the OSIC of a Complaint, in accordance with section 4a. of the OSIC Guidelines Regarding Initial Review & Preliminary Assessment.

Investigation means the investigation of a Complaint, initiated by the OSIC under the OSIC Guidelines regarding Investigations.

Investigation Report means the written report issued in accordance with section 4h. of the OSIC Guidelines Regarding Investigations.

Investigation Unit means a roster of independent and qualified investigators maintained by the OSIC.

Legal Duty to Report means the legal obligation to contact the relevant law enforcement officials and/or child welfare under applicable circumstances. This duty varies by province/territory but generally relates to abuse of children/teens. The complaint management process of the OSIC does not discharge any legal duty to report any person may have under applicable legislation. Check the laws of your province/territory to understand your duty to report.

Maltreatment in Sport Sanctions Council means the body constituted independently from the OSIC to oversee the role of the DSO.

Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC) means the independent division of the SDRCC which comprises the functions of the Sport Integrity Commissioner, in accordance with Policies & Procedures of the OSIC.

Policies & Procedures means the UCCMS, applicable policies and procedures of the OSIC and/or the DSO, the Canadian Sport Dispute Resolution Code, and applicable laws.

Preliminary Assessment means the assessment by the OSIC of a Complaint, in accordance with section 4b. of the OSIC Guidelines regarding Initial Review & Preliminary Assessment.

Program Signatories means national sport organizations, multi-sport organizations and/or other sport organizations that have adopted the UCCMS and have retained the services of the SDRCC for the implementation of their safe sport framework.

Prohibited Behaviour means conduct defined as Prohibited Behaviour in the UCCMS, as amended from time to time.

Provisional Measure(s) means any temporary remedy warranted under special circumstances to preserve parties’ rights, both substantive and procedural, pending the final resolution of an alleged violation of the UCCMS. Provisional Measure(s) are not Sanctions (as defined in the UCCMS) and may take many forms, as described in the Abuse-Free Sport Policy Regarding Provisional Measures.

Registry means a database or registry to be maintained by the OSIC for purposes of carrying out the objectives of the UCCMS and the mandate of the OSIC, in accordance with applicable law. The Registry may include personal information regarding UCCMS Participants, including their name, the nature of allegations against them, findings, and any Sanction imposed, among other elements.

Report form means a form through which individuals can provide information to the OSIC, which does not automatically engage the formal complaint management process. A Report form can be completed with or without providing a name and contact information.

SDRCC means the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada.

UCCMS means the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport UCCMS, as updated from time to time.

UCCMS Participant means an individual affiliated with a Program Signatory, who is subject to the UCCMS under the authority of the Program Signatory.
